Fellowship Baptist
Women's Ministry

We have a vibrant and outgoing Women’s Ministry at Fellowship who focus not only on planning events that gather women in our church together, but also on opportunities for discipleship, community, and outreach both at Fellowship and in the local communities that surround our church. Continue to scroll down to see some of those events and opportunities for our women at Fellowship!

Weekly Bible Study

When: Every Wednesday
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Chick-Fil-A (4500 W Bailey Boswell Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76179)

Come enjoy a great opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship. For more information contact Pam Plummer at (817) 915-5220.

Brunch & Bible Study

When: Saturday, February 1
Time: 9:00-11:00 AM
Location: Fellowship Hall

Join us for a light breakfast and to study God's Word together. 

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Join us for TACOS and TESTIMONIES in different homes around our community. You won't know who is joining you for dinner until you arrive! You will have an opportunity to share your testimony by briefly describing your life before you met Christ, how you realized your need for Him, how you responded, and how your life has changed since. For more information, contact Jodi Peters at 817-751-8371. This event is for all women, college age and up.

Other Upcoming Events for Women

Contact Us for Questions or Comments!

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